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This is the way Mirage Source should go. Free IDE that compiles to cross platform java bytecode from VB6 style code. Almsot all aspects are like VB6, except its Object Orientation ACTUALLY WORKS! I played with this, started making mirage work in it, it is awesome.

The minor problem is no more Micro$uck API. But we don't really need it for mirage. The draw image for their PictureBoxes is starting to work nice instead of DX, but hopefully I can implement some sort of real graphics engine. It even has a winsock style java socket code, so you code it like winsock and it works cross platform.

ultimate for the lazy and the adventurous. I think MS needs to move over to this.

Forgot the link

Liam! you might like this too Wink it will def. be compatible with your job since ti compiles to java, and you could probably work better since you know VB6 well
I think it would be cool for MS to move over to this as well. Lots of potential with cross platform apps.
Yea someone posted this awhile ago. Last time i checked it wasn't too great, but maybe its improved.
It has improved a bit, but I'm not sure if it is functional enough to port mirage to it yet.
The only thing it does not support that MS does is DX7,8,9 but thats because its cross platform. So figuring out a way to implement a proper graphics engine is the hardest and only problem.

figured it out. Dont know why I thought they would make a vb6 like java and not let you use the java framework, its just a little different to is in jabaco

you can use Java3D through something like this:
Dim universe as com#sun#j3d#utils#universe#SimpleUniverse

dim myColorCube as com#sun#j3d#utils#geometry#ColorCube

dim group as javax#media#j3d#BranchGroup

Sub Hello3d

   universe = new SimpleUniverse()

   group = new BranchGroup()

   group.addChild(new ColorCube(0.3))


End Sub

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