Ok, so i have looked for the converted that GSD mead a long time ago, and could not find it, so i made this.
compiled binary and source included.
This pretty much lets you load any bmp, jpg, gif or png, and then you can set a tile grid size, then click your way to a tile making sprite sheet happiness.
there is a special module and class in there for laoding up png files, so that may be of some use to the project in general.
the project can easily enough be added in to Ms as an internal sprite sheet editor, if you choose so.
I know that the source can be improved upon, so feel free to do so, and if you do, then please share.
made pretty much for loading up charas sets from rpgmaker, and putting them in to MS sets format. only saves in bmp.
23 views and no reply? WTF?
We don't post just for praise. If you get no replies, typically nobody sees anything wrong with the tool.
Or nobody really cares and they only read the thread because they got excited over a new post.
Matt Wrote:We don't post just for praise.
But we should. This tool is pretty cool
You should make a tile sheet one too.. All you would have to do is add scroll bars so we could scroll down the image more and it would be great.
i didn't reply, cause i don't get it.
it says sprite sheet maker, with tile sheet in picuture. Thats why i didn't reply
Yeah, i do need to add in scroll bars. and support for opening up multiple sheets w.o loosing your work. that way, you can make a commonly used items sheef if you wanted to.
Doomy, the naming was my bad. some times i forget what i am doing as i code.
If you can update it with scrolling and all that, this will be a very handy tool. Its a neat application you made here.
give me a day and i will see what i can do, ok?
I'll give you a week. take your time lol.
It can be sprite and tile sheet maker together. About adding a multiple projects, it has to be MDI. Not SDI, which it is now.
I am looking in to adding in Tony's tile splitter in to the code base, so it can make new maps and also split in to individual tiles or individual sprite sheets.
making it mdi would be a good idea, but if i do that, then it will be a standalone app, not an add-in to the Ms code, it would be just to much to add in, IMHO.
but ok, i will see what i can do.
All the editors should be standalone
ok, so i have the image slicing ability, after i modded the source code. it will slice to Xpixels by Ypixels, or slice in rows, for the charas sheet sprite sets.
ok, i will do it as a stand alone utility. give me a week and mabey i can have it mdi.
here is the modded sheet slicer.
ok so here it the compiled version, i did a boo boo and some how messed up the source... so this is all i have left of it, w/o re-creating it... and i have to do that anyway.
anyhow, this will split in to row sheets, or individual tiles, by X and Y height
now i get to re-mod the source again!
I already released a modified version of Tony's Image Splitter that sliced sprite sheets into rows and save into individual files.
ok so i got the source redone.
Link Gaiken?