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WOLF Online needs some help!
Hello everyone,

I'm from the Haven Woods-Team. Our goal is to revive an old DOS game called WOLF (a wildlife-simulation) for Windows XP and Vista
as an online-rpg, based on mirage source.

In this game you can choose to be either pup or adult wolf, choose a furcolour and a voice. After creating your character your task is to
survive by hunting your food and finding water. You can play as lone wolf or in a pack. In a pack you can raise your rank to become alpha
by fighting the current one.

Let's say you won the fight. Now you've got a whole pack behind you which'll help you and your underlings survive. Very well, but what now?
Your goal as alpha wolf is to defend your territory and expand it if needed. Sounds easy? Yes, but only if the rival packs around your territory
got a weak leadership...

After a long life your wolf will be reborn as a pup of your old pack.
To live a new life once again...

(Here's a little preview of what we hope the game will be like when it's finished)

The game is far from perfect. Most of the engine is done so it's mostly debugging.
So we need reinforcement for our programmer and - as important as first person - a sponsor.
We're somewhat short in money but surely we could arrange something to pay you.

EDIT: After reconcepting it we now need a whole troup of mappers, too... for likewise 10 000 maps.... and maybe 200 dens...

Interested? Just PM me, send an email to or post here and you'll get answer soon.
I understand this thread is a bit old, but dood I would so love to play this game o.o it seems like such a sexy idea.

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