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Sprite on 32*40 ... help me pls ^^
Hello, here I would like to improve my game ...
How to make sprites or 32 * 40?
Thank you for your help!
1. Open paint.
2. Change the canvas size to 32*40.
3. ???
4. PROFIT!!!
Search for pic_y in the source code and change some to 40 instead of the value 32 it stands for. There is also some 32 instances you need to change. But everything is tricky if you dont know programming.

Moved to correct board.
I think it's Size_x and size_y in MS4... Not 100% certain.
Yeah might be it now, havn't checked the source enough. Just realized I havn't finished the byte array version yet..
If you want help let me know. I've helped Anthony and Matt convert.
this is easy.

Find sub BltPlayer and sub BltNpc.

Find x = whatever

Add a - 8 to the end of it (40 - 32, size_y - pic_y)

Then do: Public Const SIZE_Y As Long = 32, and change it to 40.
GIAKEN Wrote:this is easy.

Find sub BltPlayer and sub BltNpc.

Find x = whatever

Add a - 8 to the end of it (40 - 32, size_y - pic_y)

Then do: Public Const SIZE_Y As Long = 32, and change it to 40.

What the hell?
What? You move the sprite up 8 pixels.
GIAKEN Wrote:What? You move the sprite up 8 pixels.

I don't think that's what he's asking for. I think he wants to change the sprite size (32x32) to 32x40. In which case, he needs to search for Size_X as whatever = 32 and Size_Y as whatever = 32 and change those values.
Yes but you need to move the sprite up 8 pixels or it's feet will be at the top of the tile below him...

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