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Hey I'm still kind of new to the loging in systems for miragesource, so I was wondering if someone could show me the way to the code that logs you into frmMirage. Thanks in advance. My idea so far is just for the opts: I have no clue if any of it will work.

private sub changess()
if opt86.value = true then
call frmMirage
if opt17.value = true then
call frmMirage2
end if
end if
end sub
scratch this code use if you can figure it out.

Any idea of some updates to make to it so it works?

Earlier I was messing with the code and had it so that once you clicked Use Char on frmchars, that it wouldtake you to frmOptions, then you lick the cmdbutton to the screen size you want, only thing is I could only get it to boot up the first mirage frm. here

here I made duplicates of sendusechar
menustateusechar; and then made 2 cmd buttons that called usechar & usechar2. It would log on using either button the only thing is that it only boots the first mirage... Any idea on how to make it so you can have dual frmMirage's and log on to them depending on the button you click?
Only thing I will say is that if you are planning on having two different frmMirage's, then you're going to have to go through your code and find all the spots wheresomething is sent to frmMirage, such as the blt'ing of sprites etc. and have them all sent to the second frmMirage as well, otherwise they won't be displayed. I imagine that would be very tedious.
i think its like open in 800x600 or 1024x768 option... :wink:
you look like you f'd in the head.. 0.0
Why can't you just change the size of frmMirage via code...?

You could even edit a scrolling map code so it works on both sizes.

But having two frmMirage is very, very, very... wrong?


Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
I have two. For now.

It's actually, better, imo. You don't have to code anything more than once, if you do it right. Just set up a check, for a value in an ini file, and globally declare something as that value, and then just check it when telling the client to do what with which frmmirage.
See Advocate has the idea I'm talking about, but I'm trying somethign new (it's like the sub resizeGUI)
here I'll post(Not sure if it will work)

Sub ResizeGUI()
    If frmMirage.WindowState  vbMinimized Then
        frmMirage.picScreen.Height = Int(frmMirage.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) - + 600
        frmMirage.picScreen.Width = Int(frmMirage.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) + 8000
      If frmMirage.WindowState  vbMaximized Then
      frmMirage.picScreen.Height = Int(frmMirage.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) - + 600
      frmMirage.picScreen.Width = Int(frmMirage.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) + 8000
    End If
    End If
End Sub
Can't test it I'm at college right now.
and then I was going to add some option buttons called "opt86"(refrence to ScreenSize 800*600) and "opt17"(reference to ScreenSize 1024*768)
Ok I gotta go for the time being.
Well, I'm only using that method for a limited time. One is for fullscreen, the other is for windowed, since I can't figure out how to make the form have a border, when checked against a certain value and what not. Kite did it with his srpg, but I looked through there, and couldn't figure out how to get it to work with mirage.

Kite, you should post a tut for ms for that. ^^
I have a code, not sure if it'll work(but it's in vb6DX8) so if you can transform it into something I'm not even sure if it's a code like that, just a sec and I'll post it.

Could you post your tut on what you have for the full and windowed?

but here's the code I got from a DX8 sprpg engine book;

const SCREENWIDTH as long = 800
const SCREENHEIGHT as long = 600
const FullSCREEN as boolean = false
const C_BLACK as long = &HO
const C_RED as long = &HFF0000

'the directx objects
dim dx as directx8
dim d3d as direct3d8
dim d3dx as new d3dx8
dim dispmode as d3ddisplaymode
dim d3dpp as d3dpresent_parameters
dim d3ddev as direct3ddevice8

'some surfaces
dim backbuffer as direct3dsurface8
dim surface as direct3dsurface8

private sub form_load()
'set up the main form
form1.Caption = "LoadBitmap"
form1.scalemode = 3
form1.width = Screen.Twipsperpixelx * (SCREENWIDTH + 12)
form1.height = screen.twipsperpixely * (SCREENHEIGHT + 30)

'initialize direct3d

'get reference to the backbuffer
set back = d3ddev.getbackbuffer(0, d3dbackbuffer_type_mono)

'load surface
set surface = loadsurface(app.path & "\whatever.bmp")
end sub

I'm not sure if that'll work, but if you want you can mess with it, but I haven't been able to get it to work even changing it to support DX7 without d3d.

Also I found this earlier today, it's a tut for actual for screen mode ... b32cdc795a Have a look it explains somethings.
I changed the border through a nifty bit of code I found on these forums. I think it was posted by GSD.

I'll create a tutorial for fullscreen when I get home.

Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Um.. I have fullscreen down pact, it's getting the border back, for windowed mode.
ohh ok, I'm still looking for a code that makes it so I don't have to have to frmMirage's just automatically resizes the form to the settings you have.

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