08-08-2006, 11:35 PM
How can I stop the shops from selling worn equipment?
Here's what the packet looks like:
I haven't done anything to it yet.. I tried last night and gave up...
An example of what I want to happen:
I have 2 bronze shields. I Equip Shield 1.
I then trade with a shop and try to sell a shield. Since shield 1 is equipped, it must bypass that shield, and sell the one that isn't equipped.
I tried different things and none seemed to work the way I wanted.
Any ideas?
Here's what the packet looks like:
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Trade request packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
If LCase$(Parse(0)) = "traderequest" Then
' Trade num
n = Val(Parse(1))
' Prevent hacking
If (n MAX_TRADES) Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Trade Request Modification")
Exit Sub
End If
' Index for shop
i = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Shop
' Check if inv full
X = FindOpenInvSlot(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetItem)
If X = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful, inventory full.", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
If HasItem(Index, Shop(i).traditem(n).GiveItem) >= Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveValue Then
Call TakeItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveValue)
Call GiveItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetValue)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "The trade was successful!", BrightYellow)
Exit Sub
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful.", BrightRed)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
I haven't done anything to it yet.. I tried last night and gave up...
An example of what I want to happen:
I have 2 bronze shields. I Equip Shield 1.
I then trade with a shop and try to sell a shield. Since shield 1 is equipped, it must bypass that shield, and sell the one that isn't equipped.
I tried different things and none seemed to work the way I wanted.
Any ideas?