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Where to learn DirectX
Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this admins.

anyway, i was wondering if you all know of any website, book, or anything where it would be good for me to learn either directX 7 or 8? i know you all prolly say, use google or something to that effect, and i was but i dont want to start learning from some place thats a bunch of [edit]. so if you all have any suggests ill try them out. thanks
it wont let me see the site Cry any other suggestions or do you know the reason it wont let me see it. i really want to learn.
It works fine for me...
ok well like i see it for a second, then it switches me to the stupid dell search and says that it is unavaiable. stupid dell. anyone know how to turn it off?
ok i gave up trying to look it up on my comp and used my parents then copied the tutorials to a txt file. thanks for the site its really helpful

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