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MSE2 - License Explanation
Many people might think that mirage source was not going to have a fourth release, but the time has come and the version is done. And since there is a new owner of mirage source, I thought I should update the license as well.
  • The GUI (interface) most be changed before you release a product of some sort.
  • Bug Fixes and ‘errors from a unedited MSE2’ most be reported to the forum:
  • You may change the credit page, and you do not need to say that it’s created with mirage source in your game or engine. But it is recommended you do so anyway. To support the community.
  • If you are going to port mirage source into another language, please give credit to its original source.
  • You are not authorised to host MSE2 for public use. You can only link it to its default download url from mirage source.
  • You cannot open your own community with any of the mirage source versions without changing the following things:
    • All GUI’s must be changed
    • You need to have done changes to the source; you can not just copy the source, change the GUI and release it. You must have done some work onto it.
    • You need to change the name of the source.

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