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Cheat System[UNTESTED]
Credits to GIAKEN
Mod on Elysium Source Forums.
Not sure if he's on these forums
I don't much look around.
This is all that he provided me
As soon as my coders reply to me on Elysium
I'm gonna add it to my game and test it :S

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
    Call SendData("cheatpacket" & SEP_CHAR & txtCheat.Text & END_CHAR))
End Sub


If Parse$(0) = "cheatpacket" Then
Dim Successful As Byte

    Successful = NO

    For I = 1 to MAX_CHEATS
        If Parse$(1) = Cheats(I).Name Then
            Call RunCheat(I)
            Successful = YES
            Exit For
        End If
    Next I

    If Not Successful Then
        Call AlertMsg("That's not a cheat!", Red)
        Exit Sub
    End If

Exit Sub
End If

That should work...just not sure about the AlertMsg, I don't have my source open. For the RunCheat it could be:

Public Sub RunCheat(ByVal Cheat_Index As Long)

    Select Case Cheat(Cheat_Index).Name
        Case "goldwhatever"
        ' give them gold?
    End Select

End Sub

Also don't forget:

Public Const MAX_CHEATS As Byte = 2
Cheat(1 To MAX_CHEATS) As CheatRec

Type CheatRec
    Name As String
End Type

why make a cheat system for a mmo?
If the admins want to hack...or let a player hack or something...
If a certain Premium player runs out of coins( if i add Premium, which is a slim chance ), They could enter the cheat
The cheat could be open to everybody, One time use.
cheats are stupid all they do is ruin a game and a economy whats the point of playing an orpg if you have everything you need? letting people get free money makes inflation which will destroy an economy, letting players get items ruins the value of items, letting players become invincible (unless done correctly e.g in runescape with protection prayers or like world of warcraft which is immunity for x seconds) makes training worthless and there is no challenge and ruins PVP.

thats my 2 cents
You could do special events. Trigger something that tells the player when they log in that they get to enter a one time cheat just because they logged on during "Special Event Day". You could do it weekly, or monthly or something. It wouldn't screw with the in game economy too much
I agree with Sonire on this.

I run events in Sakuramisora occasionally for some pretty big prizes considering how easy the events themselves are, but even so I don't run them so often to a point where everyone can't still have fun with the game and community.

Giving people unlimited access, or even a somewhat constant access to the cheat would be a bit much, unless of course the rewards given by the cheat were miniscule or could only be used in certain areas. Like, make a special town or something where the currency is only that particular one given by the cheat, and all of the items you get there are either for those "premium" players, or can only be used in special areas like that. It wouldn't take much coding to pull that off either.
Dave Wrote:Once you write code for a cheat code, it becomes much easier for any hacker to exploit it.

Quoted for truth, unfortunately.

Rewards for events are easier given in account editor anyway, hehe.
Asrrin29 Wrote:I hear you. I am even going to go so far as to strip out all admin commands and forms from the release client, and keep two separate code bases for admins and regular players. That way there is less likelihood of people abusing things present in the code.

It's a pain in the buttox to have to edit both the admin and player clients so I scrapped the idea until the game's close to complete. I kept mapping in the main client though.
Put a specific comment on each command you need to remove for the player version so you don't have to scroll through so much text. Wink Even if it's just like:

' Look here for player client code removal

or something.

Dave Wrote:Or move all the code that's removed into one module, and just delete the module ;-;

I like Dave's idea better than mine.

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