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Goodbye VB6 :(
So after a lot of time and consideration, I've decided that Visual Basic 6 is not really worth the time and effort it consumes. Not because it takes an extraordinary amount of time or skill to use (Because it doesn't), as of late I've had a very big lack of motivation for programming anything when it comes to Visual Basic. I've come to realize that this lack of motivation is spawned from the fact that I don't really feel any sense of accomplishment when I program in Visual Basic 6. Any joy I get is short lived, knowing that I'm merely touching the surface of the programming world, and cannot yet even really call myself a programmer.

Because of this, I've decided to move on, and so as my first step forward into something that is truly powerful and challenging, I have decided to take up C++. I have no doubt in my mind that I'll end up quitting a few times, just as I did with VB6, but I feel that the payoff in the end will be much greater than that of any other language. Seeing as Mirage Source is a Visual Basic 6 community, I'm not really sure how active I'll be from here on out. It was a lot of fun guys, and I've certainly learned a lot, but its just time to move on. Of course this doesn't mean that I'm going to be cutting myself off from VB6, I'll still check around and try to help as many people in need as possible, but the truth is I just don't have the time nor motivation to keep working with a failing language.

So although you'll all be seeing me a lot less frequently, don't expect me to disappear completely. I didn't endure being the community punching bag for some-odd months simply to leave.
You've not been the community punching bag for awhile now. That's Labmonkey these days. Lol.

I can see why you'd wanna quit VB6, but it really is a fun language and just because M$ doesn't support it fully, doesn't mean it's no good.

But good luck in you C++ endeavor. Maybe you'll inspire the rest of us to pick up a different language.
I thought I got replaced by doomy? Wtf?
Labmonkey Wrote:I thought I got replaced by doomy? Wtf?
i was never a replacement. I was just a target lol
You've just lost hope...

People need to realize that they probably won't ever do anything huge and money-worthy in VB6, but learning VB6 helps you learn general programming and opens up the programming world.
GIAKEN Wrote:You've just lost hope...

People need to realize that they probably won't ever do anything huge and money-worthy in VB6, but learning VB6 helps you learn general programming and opens up the programming world.

No, I know that. VB6 served its purpose by teaching me HOW to program. Now, I can apply some of that knowledge to learning other languages. VB6 just doesn't really interest me anymore, I just don't get any satisfaction from programming it... That's all. I'm sure as soon as I pick up some other languages, and learn them thoroughly, I'll end up using VB6 for some quick simple programs.

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