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Regarding: VB6 as compared to VB2008 Express
Alright, I've made arrangements with my Digital Media teacher at school, and he has allowed me to spend my semester in his class teaching myself either visual basic, or c++, which I intend to do.

I am unsure as to whether I should obtain a version of the VB6 software, or to download the VisualStudio 2008 Express which within it contains a bundle of other programs as well as Visual Basic.

Just looking for assistance/insight is all.
Ryotronix Wrote:Alright, I've made arrangements with my Digital Media teacher at school, and he has allowed me to spend my semester in his class teaching myself either visual basic, or c++, which I intend to do.

I am unsure as to whether I should obtain a version of the VB6 software, or to download the VisualStudio 2008 Express which within it contains a bundle of other programs as well as Visual Basic.

Just looking for assistance/insight is all.

Visual Studio 2008 is VB.Net, if that helps you at all.
What exactly is, and how does it relate to VB6 and how useful is it?
VB.NET VB6, period.

The upgrading wizard Microsoft has come up with to upgrade your VB6 projects to VB.NET is a joke. There are so many better ways of doing things with the .NET syntax that using the same methods upgraded from VB6 is not worth your time. Your better off re-writing all your projects from VB6 to VB.NET.
Visual Basic 6 is released in the Visual Studio 6 collection, where as Visual Basic .NET is released in the Visual Studio 2006+ collections.

Visual Studio includes various types of development software, such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, C# (which is also using the .NET frame work), and so on.

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