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Desk Areas
[Image: deskarea.jpg]

I used to keep my old computer on the other side, and i had a splitter for the monitor, mouse and key board. Unfortunately running both of them makes my room like 200 degrees.
Rian Wrote:[Image: deskarea.jpg]

I used to keep my old computer on the other side, and i had a splitter for the monitor, mouse and key board. Unfortunately running both of them makes my room like 200 degrees.

I know how you feel, I ran my own network in my room (6 computers with a swichbox)

Shit was fun untill summer hit, then i just unplugged it all >.<

Still working on my new setup, ill get pics once i get done (me and my buddies are renting an office building for our company)

(love the speakers, almost picked them up today at walmart >.
Yeah, I love these speakers too. Picked 'em up on TigerDirect when I built the computer back in '06. The bass speaker is on the ground behind the desk. You can see the tangled mess of speaker wires behind my computer Tongue
My sister bought the same set from Walmart for her fiance. Cost her like, $80. Wasn't worth it, at all.
[Image: fds342.jpg]
[Image: dcfc0002v.jpg]
Cell phone pic couldn't find my camera bleh.

[spoiler][ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND][/spoiler]
You have to actually download that image and upload it somewhere else.
Far Away Pic
[spoiler][Image: cd8a21ec5abfd5f6da1e1f9a0caa74ce.JPG][/spoiler]

Close Up of my main PC
[spoiler][Image: 164c73a61a9dc95ca3737e5a01cef006.JPG][/spoiler]

To the left of this on my other desk is my other PC that friends use,

To the right is my file server.

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