01-08-2009, 04:37 PM
Map Editor In Its Own Form
Difficulty: 2/5 - This is a fairly easy tutorial, just make sure you follow the directions properly!
This is another thing that there used to be a tutorial for, but it is now gone. So I am re-writing a new tutorial for it! All this does is basically puts the map editor in a form, letting you move it around freely.
Client Side
First things first, make a new form called frmMapEditor
And there you go! Enjoy
If you have any problems, just ask!
Difficulty: 2/5 - This is a fairly easy tutorial, just make sure you follow the directions properly!
This is another thing that there used to be a tutorial for, but it is now gone. So I am re-writing a new tutorial for it! All this does is basically puts the map editor in a form, letting you move it around freely.
Client Side
First things first, make a new form called frmMapEditor
- Open up the code for frmMirage. Cut out the following code:
and paste it into the code for your new form! Then go back to the GUI editing mode (Where you can drag around the commands) and copy picMapEditor and all it's contents (the actual map editor) into the new form, then deleting them from frmMirage.Code:Private Sub optLayers_Click()
If optLayers.Value Then
fraLayers.Visible = True
fraAttribs.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optAttribs_Click()
If optAttribs.Value Then
fraLayers.Visible = False
fraAttribs.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub picBackSelect_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
Call MapEditorChooseTile(X, Y)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub picBackSelect_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
shpLoc.Top = (Y \ PIC_Y) * PIC_Y
shpLoc.Left = (X \ PIC_X) * PIC_X
shpLoc.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
Call MapEditorSend
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Call MapEditorCancel
End Sub
Private Sub cmdProperties_Click()
frmMapProperties.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub optWarp_Click()
frmMapWarp.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub optItem_Click()
frmMapItem.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub optKey_Click()
frmMapKey.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub optKeyOpen_Click()
frmKeyOpen.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub scrlPicture_Change()
Call MapEditorTileScroll
End Sub
Private Sub cmdFill_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
Call MapEditorClearLayer
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClear2_Click()
Call MapEditorClearAttribs
End Sub
Private Sub scrlTileSet_Change()
Map.TileSet = scrlTileSet.Value
lblTileset = scrlTileSet.Value
Call InitTileSurf(scrlTileSet)
Call BltMapEditor
Call BltMapEditorTilePreview
scrlPicture.Max = (picBackSelect.Height \ PIC_Y) - (picBack.Height \ PIC_Y)
End Sub
IMPORTANT: Set the Visible property of picMapEditor to true!!!
Now, look for sub picScreen_MouseMove and replace the following line :
With :Code:shpLoc.Visible = False
Code:frmMapEditor.shpLoc.Visible = False
- First things first, go to the sub MapEditorInit. Look for the following snippet of code:
And replace it with :Code:With frmMirage
.Width = 14175
.picMapEditor.Visible = True
.lblTileset = Map.TileSet
.scrlTileSet = Map.TileSet
.scrlPicture.Max = (.picBackSelect.Height \ PIC_Y) - (.picBack.Height \ PIC_Y)
End With
Code:With frmMapEditor
.lblTileset = Map.TileSet
.scrlTileSet = Map.TileSet
.scrlPicture.Max = (.picBackSelect.Height \ PIC_Y) - (.picBack.Height \ PIC_Y)
End With
Now, go to sub MapEditorMouseDown, and replace every frmMirage.blablabla with frmMapEditor.blablabla. Do the same for the subs MapEditorChooseTile, MapEditorTileScroll. MapEditorClearLayer and MapEditorFillLayer.
Now, go to sub MapEditorCancel and replace the following :
Code:With frmMirage
.Width = 10080
.picMapEditor.Visible = False
End With
With :
- Now, go to sub BltMapEditor and replace every frmMirage.blablabla with frmMapEditor.blablabla. Do the same for the sub BltMapEditorTilePreview.
Now go to sub Render_Graphics and look for the following code :
And replace it with :Code:If Editor = EDITOR_MAP Then
If frmMirage.optAttribs.Value Then
Call DrawMapAttributes
End If
End If
Code:If Editor = EDITOR_MAP Then
If frmMapEditor.optAttribs.Value Then
Call DrawMapAttributes
End If
End If
- Look for sub CheckTiles. Replace the line :
With :Code:frmMirage.scrlTileSet.Max = NumTileSets
Code:frmMapEditor.scrlTileSet.Max = NumTileSets
- Now, look for sub HandleMapData. Look for the following line:
And replace it with :Code:frmMirage.picMapEditor.Visible = False
Code:frmMapEditor.Visible = False
And there you go! Enjoy