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[JAVA] Firecaster
This is Copypasta'd from Clan BoM's website. I made no edits before posting here other than these first two sentences.

Boring History! Click to show
[spoiler]So Firecaster has been my pet project for a few years. It started after I was playing some fun platform games, and my friends convinced me to play Maple Story. I was disgusted with how bland the gameplay was, and decided that I could do better.

The first First generation of Firecaster was a platform game in gamemaker. While I had worked with online programs before, Firecaster was my first online engine. It was really fun, but it lagged like hell with more then 3 people on, and could be hacked in about 5 seconds to give you invincibility and 99999 levels. :lol:

After that I thought a bit more about security and lag, and tried a few times to fix up Firecaster. All attempts failed, and for awhile I gave up and moved on.

Later on I worked with a friend on an morpg in vb6. It was using Mirage Source as a base. The game was called Rising Flames and unlike Firecaster it was topdown and tilebased. But like Firecaster I had put in some spells that you had to aim, and actually took skill to use. I found that being top down and tilebased really took nothing from the fun of Firecaster, and it fixed the horrendous lag. Rising Flames fell apart due to lack of flexibility in the vb6 DirectX 7 (that's right, 7) Engine.

The next attempt (lets call this one Firecaster 2) was made in Gamemaker. I tried to take what I learned from Rising Flames and refit it with particle effects and all the fun things you couldn't do in directx 7. But I soon saw a flaw in my attempt, as Gamemaker was simply too slow to handle everything.

Now we get to present day. The new Firecaster is being made in Java, and is hopefully the final working version of this game.[/spoiler]

Firecaster is unlike most other mmorpgs you might play today. There is no "normal" attack, no warrior class, and no masses of weak monsters for you to destroy. Firecaster tries to take fun and interesting gameplay and build on that to make a game, instead of basing itself around boring gameplay like other games of today.

The battle system is designed to require both skill and teamwork to defeat foes. There is no normal attack, only spells. There is also no mana. When you use a spell, you cannot use another spell until that spell cools down. That means you can use set the entire map in flames with a powerful spell, but you better kill everyone because you are going to be vulnerable for a long time afterwards. This also promotes team play, as combos can only be performed with multiple players.

All spells will require some sort of aiming or positioning. You cant cast something "on" another player, you have to aim it at them and hit them, or run up to them and use aoe. This makes for more complex spells, because if you have a powerful skill, but it moves slowly people will just dodge it. Choosing what spell to use at what time is a major part of winning a battle in firecaster.

Monsters in Firecaster work more like boss fights. There is no "farming" in Firecaster, and the game will require you to stay alert and focused.

I am currently debating whether or not to have levels in firecaster, but if I did they would work more like wc3 Ladder levels than traditional levels in rpgs. Levels would be used to show your skill, not to enhance it. A good level 1 could beat a crappy level 10. The main benefit from playing a long time would be playing the game better, not having ultimate items.

I was planning to have you learn new spells after boss fights or quests. I am not sure if I should limit the number of spells you can have at one time, but if I did that I would probably merge spells with items. Spells would be scroll items, and you would carry them in your inventory. Now that I write that idea out, I like it more, so I think I will do it that way.

So as you progress in the game, your library of spells grows, allowing you more choices of spells to equip your charcter with. All spells will be balanced against eachother, so the starting spells won't be worse then the later ones, but later in the game you can create better combinations of your spells. (remember you need teamwork inorder to cast multiple spells at a time).

I worked some more on firecaster's engine today. Here is a list of what I have done.

Map editor(90%)
Maps sent to client from server(98%)
Basic Player movement(30%)
Registering accounts (50%)

Most of these features need other features to be made before they can be finished, hence the percentage. I am currently working on player movement.
Interesting. Screenshot please?
[Image: fcscreenshot.png]
wow didn't even see this. Any others?
I made a list of spells/items that you can use in Firecaster. You will be able to equip your character with 5 spells or items.

  • Fireball
  • Tri-FIreball
  • slow
  • AoE dmg
  • AoE stun
  • Move everything randomly (lightning)
  • Move faster
  • Warp
  • Big Fireball
  • Heal Self
  • Heal Missile
  • gradual Heal
  • AoE heal
  • Gradual Dmg
  • Shield Missile (stops other missiles)
  • Fireball Monster (shoots fireballs randomly)
  • Healing Ward (Gradual AoE heal, can be destroyed)
  • Slow Ward (like healing but slow)
  • Slow Moving Fireball, more damage
  • Chain Reaction Fireball (after hit, shoots at nearest person from victim)
  • +HP
  • +DMG
  • +SpEED
  • -cooldown
  • +Hp for every spell used
  • is cast randomly every few seconds.

1,860,480 combos total if you only assume the last item is one item.

The engine has also been worked on a lot. The movement is done, team system is 99% done, map editor is finished, chat is done, and spell system is working. It also has day/night and fog. I am currently adding in multiple map support.

I have also picked out the graphics for Firecaster. I will show a screenshot later.
Screenshot of new stuff. Read text for info.

[Image: fcscreenshot3.png]
Sorry for the triple post guys, but public beta of Firecaster has started!

Simply go to to play.

asdw or up down left right to move
Click to shoot
1 and 2 to change spells
/setname NAME to change your name
/team TEAM to set your team (caps sensitive)

Remember that we are still very early along in the games development, so please try to be understanding that not everything is implemented yet. The server, while I will try to keep it up 24/7, may be down at times due to me editing it. The good news is that since the game is browser based, I can update the client without you all having to download a patch. Hurrah!
A lot got done today on Firecaster. Sorry to not update you guys sooner. 2 new spells were added: Fire stomp, a melee'ish aoe spell, and Freeze, a ranged spell that stuns targets. Freeze is only suggested to be used in team battles, as its cooldown is higher then the stun duration.

A bunch of annoying bugs were fixed, such as the ghost fireballs/players, and names not showing up. Also, spells now have much higher resolution when fireing, so there aren't "blind" tiles that you cannot hit anymore.
Thats awesome. How long have you known java for and whered you learn from to do that?!
Ive known java for a few months now. I haven't officially learned anything, just been googling whenever I get stuck.
Again sorry for the late updates, but there has been pretty constant updates on Firecaster. Currently a few bugs have been fixed, such as desyncing and ghost fireballs/blood. Oh, also blood has been added. There is a heal spell, along with multiple sprites, which you can choose by typing sprite0 through sprite4. Also there is leveling, and you can see your level by typing stats. You gain exp for killing people, and lose it for dieing.
Even though school has started, there still has been constant work to firecaster. Notable changes:

Desyncing fixed once and for all (turns out there were a bunch of different reasons why this happened, but I have fixed them all).

Heal spell, spell number 5 will heal you, good for after battles or while running.

Secondary right-click spell slot. Right click to use the spell that you were using before the current one you have selected now. eg, if you press 1, then 2, 2 will be your primary spell, and 1 will be your secondary spell which you can use by right clicking.

Some improvements to the leveling system, which is really more of a ranking system. Type stats to see your level.

And here are some glimpses into the very near future:

Lightning, this spell will only target 1 tile, and will take about 1.5 seconds to fire from the time you click, but if it hits, it will deal 60 damage (over half of a persons life). This is best used in combination with the freeze spell.

As you level up, you will unlock more sprites that you can "equip" to your character.

A new gui by Vans.
Yea, so it is still a work in progress, but I thought I would update you guys that I have added seamless maps to firecaster. You cannot see people on other maps, fireballs dont work through maps, etc, but you can get a sense of how it will look when it is finished. Please also note that you can get desynced if you walk into the white void. You can resync yourself if this happens by typing refresh. This will most likely be my last update for a day or two, but on Monday I plan on finishing the scrolling up and working on more maps to populate the world.
Labmonkey is lucky to have me making him a gui Tongue

Without chat:
[Image: guisu.png]

With chatbox:
[Image: gui2.png]

(you'd better finish this game up, im tired of making free guis and no one actually making a game)
Translation: I fucking love myself so much.
Broojo02 Wrote:Translation: I fucking love myself so much.
I fucking do! : D
Good news and bad news.

Good news: There have been lots of updates to firecaster recently, the most signifigant being improvements in the scrolling system, which is complete except that spells do not work cross maps.

There is also a forum at, and Soggy offered us webhosting on his 1tb hosting account, so no more downtime/slow webpage downloads like there was before.

Bad news: The gui got deleted off of Vans's computer. I am unsure about the specifics, but he is really busy now, so the gui is going to be delayed for a bit.
The first boss has been planned for Firecaster. Click below for more info.

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