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Items respawning in Inventory?
When I drop an item, if it was equipped, Its not showing, like it's supposed to, good.

It drops to the ground, and is able to be picked up, good.

It's not in my inv. anymore, good!

Then if I log back in, the item is BACK in my inventory, although it's also laying on the floor. also it's equipped again if it was when I dropped it, and it's back on my paperdoll.

Same thing happens if I unequip something, it I take off the shirt, and log out/in, it's back on my player, and shown as worn.

First thing I thought was it's not saving the inv. correctly, but the save inventory works fine for non clothing type crap. So what the hell?

EDIT: Also happens if I trade the item, when I log back in,the item I traded is returned to me.
So it only messes up for equip-able items? If you drop a non equip-able item say an apple it works fine?

Maybe the server is not clearing the player data after it has logged out. And is doing something like this when you log in

for i in inventory
  if (i == no item)
     do nothing //should be clearing the slot here
      set item
Check your PlayerMapDropItem method with a vanilla PlayerMapDropItem method.. Server side.. Smile Good luck mate.. :wink:

EDITED: Oh and check:

To make sure they are working ok.. :wink:

It was a Putvar issue. >.>
I get the gayest errors, ever.
And you also sent me a source, asking me to fix something, only to realise it wasn't actually broken and you imagined the whole thing
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?

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