Mirage Engine
Spell Levels - Printable Version

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Spell Levels - Rezeyu - 22-04-2007

Well, I was writing a small packet edit to the spells packets so that I could display some info in the client's lstSpell, and for 2 hours (Took a pizza break too) I couldn't get it to work, I tried a number of things, then I figured I should check at how Mirage loaded the LevelReq for spells, and then I noticed this:

Sub LoadSpells()
Dim FileName As String
Dim i As Long

    Call CheckSpells
    FileName = App.Path & "\data\spells.ini"
    For i = 1 To MAX_SPELLS
        Spell(i).Name = GetVar(FileName, "SPELL" & i, "Name")
        Spell(i).ClassReq = Val(GetVar(FileName, "SPELL" & i, "ClassReq"))
        Spell(i).Type = Val(GetVar(FileName, "SPELL" & i, "Type"))
        Spell(i).Data1 = Val(GetVar(FileName, "SPELL" & i, "Data1"))
        Spell(i).Data2 = Val(GetVar(FileName, "SPELL" & i, "Data2"))
        Spell(i).Data3 = Val(GetVar(FileName, "SPELL" & i, "Data3"))
    Next i
End Sub

So yeah, It doesn't load said spells. then I scrolled up, and realized it doesn't save them either.

So, I added this to Sub LoadSpells():

Spell(i).LevelReq = Val(GetVar(FileName, "SPELL" & i, "LevelReq"))

And this to Sub SaveSpell(ByVal SpellNum As Long):

Call PutVar(FileName, "SPELL" & SpellNum, "LevelReq", Trim(Spell(SpellNum).LevelReq))

And that -should- fix it.. I think.

Unless I'm just retarded.

- Da Undead - 22-04-2007

I think this is right, good find Big Grin