Mirage Engine
Get the REAL width of text - Printable Version

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Get the REAL width of text - Robin - 08-03-2007

Perfect for those who can't seem to centralise names [cleared]

I also found it useful when I made Nr completely in DX.

Public Function getSize(ByVal DC As Long, ByVal Text As String) As textSize
    Dim lngReturn As Long
    Dim typSize As textSize
    lngReturn = GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, Text, Len(Text), typSize)
    getSize = typSize
End Function
Public Declare Function GetTextExtentPoint32 Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetTextExtentPoint32A" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal cbString As Long, lpSize As textSize) As Long
Public Type textSize
    width As Long
    Height As Long
End Type

Re: Get the REAL width of text - GIAKEN - 22-07-2008

How do we use this? :? It doesn't make sense...I'm wanting a function that returns the width of the text in pixels? Why do we need the array there?

Re: Get the REAL width of text - GIAKEN - 22-07-2008

Nevermind I figured it out Big Grin I was about to delete my post. Anyways, it doesn't appear to truely center text Sad

TextX = ((GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).XOffset) + 16) - (getSize(frmMirage.hdc, GetPlayerName(Index)).width / 2)

Re: Get the REAL width of text - GIAKEN - 22-07-2008

Alright I just did some tests.

The actual width of the text (checked with Photoshop) is 48 pixels.

getSize returns 43.
Len(Text) * 8 returns 48, which is what was the system that was in place.

Re: Get the REAL width of text - Robin - 22-07-2008

This is over a year old xD

And I'm aware it doesn't centralise it perfectly, but it does it a lot better than len*x on different sized fonts.

Re: Get the REAL width of text - GIAKEN - 22-07-2008

I'm aware of the date Wink

This would only be useful on font that varies in size between letters.

Also I noticed:

When using frmMirage.hDC it was 43 and when I used frmMirage.picScreen.hDC it returned 32 (or some 30 number).

Re: Get the REAL width of text - seraphelic - 22-07-2008

I made a center text tutorial a while back using this method.

Re: Get the REAL width of text - Robin - 22-07-2008

I made mine in 2007, you made yours in 2008.