Arena Map Morale - grimsk8ter11 - 02-06-2006
Arena Map Moral
This adds an Arena type moral to your game. In an arena, you fight for the sport of it, just to see if you can beat your opponent. You lose no items or EXP if you lose.
Server Side, modGameLogic
Find code (this code appears four times in modGameLogic, make sure you replace each one):
Code: If Map(GetPlayerMap(Attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Or GetPlayerPK(Victim) = YES Then
And Replace it with:
Code: If Map(GetPlayerMap(Attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Or Map(GetPlayerMap(Attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_ARENA Or GetPlayerPK(Victim) = YES Then
Still in modGameLogic, find:
Code: ' Drop all worn items by victim
If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
' Calculate exp to give attacker
Exp = Int(GetPlayerExp(Victim) / 10)
' Make sure we dont get less then 0
If Exp < 0 Then
Exp = 0
End If
If Exp = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Victim, "You lost no experience points.", BrightRed)
Call PlayerMsg(Attacker, "You received no experience points from that weak insignificant player.", BrightBlue)
Call SetPlayerExp(Victim, GetPlayerExp(Victim) - Exp)
Call PlayerMsg(Victim, "You lost " & Exp & " experience points.", BrightRed)
Call SetPlayerExp(Attacker, GetPlayerExp(Attacker) + Exp)
Call PlayerMsg(Attacker, "You got " & Exp & " experience points for killing " & GetPlayerName(Victim) & ".", BrightBlue)
End If
And replace it with:
Code: 'If map is an arena then don't drop items or lose exp
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Attacker)).Moral MAP_MORAL_ARENA Then
' Drop all worn items by victim
If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim), 0)
End If
' Calculate exp to give attacker
Exp = Int(GetPlayerExp(Victim) / 10)
' Make sure we dont get less then 0
If Exp < 0 Then
Exp = 0
End If
If Exp = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Victim, "You lost no experience points.", BrightRed)
Call PlayerMsg(Attacker, "You received no experience points from that weak insignificant player.", BrightBlue)
Call SetPlayerExp(Victim, GetPlayerExp(Victim) - Exp)
Call PlayerMsg(Victim, "You lost " & Exp & " experience points.", BrightRed)
Call SetPlayerExp(Attacker, GetPlayerExp(Attacker) + Exp)
Call PlayerMsg(Attacker, "You got " & Exp & " experience points for killing " & GetPlayerName(Victim) & ".", BrightBlue)
End If
End If
Then find (still in modGameLogic):
Code: ' Check if target is player who died and if so set target to 0
If Player(Attacker).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And Player(Attacker).Target = Victim Then
Player(Attacker).Target = 0
Player(Attacker).TargetType = 0
End If
If GetPlayerPK(Victim) = NO Then
If GetPlayerPK(Attacker) = NO Then
Call SetPlayerPK(Attacker, YES)
Call SendPlayerData(Attacker)
Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Attacker) & " has been deemed a Player Killer!!!", BrightRed)
End If
Call SetPlayerPK(Victim, NO)
Call SendPlayerData(Victim)
Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has paid the price for being a Player Killer!!!", BrightRed)
End If
And replace it with this:
Code: ' Check if target is player who died and if so set target to 0
If Player(Attacker).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And Player(Attacker).Target = Victim Then
Player(Attacker).Target = 0
Player(Attacker).TargetType = 0
End If
'Don't deam a PKer if it's an arena
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Attacker)).Moral MAP_MORAL_ARENA Then
If GetPlayerPK(Victim) = NO Then
If GetPlayerPK(Attacker) = NO Then
Call SetPlayerPK(Attacker, YES)
Call SendPlayerData(Attacker)
Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Attacker) & " has been deemed a Player Killer!!!", BrightRed)
End If
Call SetPlayerPK(Victim, NO)
Call SendPlayerData(Victim)
Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has paid the price for being a Player Killer!!!", BrightRed)
End If
End If
Now find (modGameLogic still):
Code: ' Player is dead
Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has been killed by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker), BrightRed)
And replace it with:
Code: ' Player is dead
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_ARENA Then
Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " was defeated in an arena by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker) & "." & (GetPlayerName(Victim) & " lost no EXP.", Yellow)
Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has been killed by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker), BrightRed)
End If
Moving on to modTypes, find:
Code: Public Const MAP_MORAL_SAFE = 1
Right underneath that, add:
Code: Public Const MAP_MORAL_ARENA = 2
You're done with the server side. Now open up your client.
First go to modTypes and Find:
Code: Public Const MAP_MORAL_SAFE = 1
And right underneath it add:
Code: Public Const MAP_MORAL_ARENA = 2
Now, open up frmMapProperties. Click on cmbMorals. Now in the properties for cmbMorals, find 'Item data'. Add a third 0 (zero) after the first two 0's.
Now find 'List'. It should say 'None' and 'Safe'. Add 'Arena underneath those two.
You're finished! This works for me, I hope it works for you too. You may have to remap. I'm not sure becuase I didn't have any maps made when I tested it. Enjoy.
- Da Undead - 05-05-2007
I know this is kinda old but you have an extra "(" in this line .
Code: Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " was defeated in an arena by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker) & "." & (GetPlayerName(Victim) & " lost no EXP.", Yellow)
Shoud be...
Code: Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " was defeated in an arena by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker) & "." & GetPlayerName(Victim) & " lost no EXP.", Yellow)
Oh and 'Attacker' isnt defined heh...
Re: Arena Map Morale - YingYang - 27-06-2007
I'm not all that experienced with coding but I think there is a problem. When going to Modtypes, there is no map moral code to put it under.
Re: Arena Map Morale - Robin - 27-06-2007
I'm guessing that was moved to modConstants in MSE1 due to the overhaul of the code positioning.
This tutorial was created for 3.0.3 where most of the variables and constants were stored in modTypes, rather than modGlobals and modConstants like in MSE1.
If you can't find it in the appropriate module, you could try searching your entire project for it.
That should be in modConstants, and that is the code you are looking for.
Re: Arena Map Morale - YingYang - 27-06-2007
Right, thanks.