Mirage Engine
Amulet of Speed - Printable Version

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Amulet of Speed - Tutorial Bot - 02-06-2006

Author: grimsk8ter11
Difficulty: 1/5

Example of how you can change some variables in Mirage to get some new effects. The "Amulet of Speed" item:

In modConstants, remove:
' Speed moving vars
Public Const WALK_SPEED = 4
Public Const RUN_SPEED = 8
In modGlobals, add:
' Speed moving vars
Public WALK_SPEED As Integer
Public RUN_SPEED As Integer
In modGameLogic, find UpdateInventory, and replace it with:[code]Public Sub UpdateInventory()
Dim i As Long


' Show the inventory
For i = 1 To MAX_INV
If GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, i) > 0 And GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, i)