Mirage Engine
New Forum Skins - Printable Version

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New Forum Skins - William - 21-01-2007

You can check out some new forum skins through editing your profile.

- Tony - 21-01-2007

They suck monkey balls 0___0

- William - 21-01-2007

Yeah they do, tried to find a good one but ended up having a lot of bad onse.. So if anybody know of a good template, feel free to share it.

- Reece - 21-01-2007

phpbb.com best ones there

- William - 21-01-2007

Renegade Wrote:phpbb.com best ones there
Thanks, I'll check it out.

- William - 21-01-2007

So I added 2 new to choose between, and also changed the default one to Saphir template.

- grimsk8ter11 - 21-01-2007

metal would be better if you could get it to center

- William - 21-01-2007

Yeah I know, I liked that style before I noticed its on the left side. Anybody know ccs code or what its called?

- Robin - 21-01-2007

I know CSS. Not much about skins though.

- William - 21-01-2007

Kite Wrote:I know CSS. Not much about skins though.
Well its only php, not CSS I think.

- Matt - 21-01-2007

In the code for the skin, I think in the tpl files, like header, body, and footer is where you need to edit.

Try addong some center tags to each. Just put the opening of the tag at the top of the code and the closer at the bottom.

- William - 21-01-2007

I dont know those code tags.

- Mithlomion - 21-01-2007

Saphir owns.. Keep Saphir it fits really good and its really nice.

- Cruzn - 21-01-2007

Open templates/metalBB/overall_header.tpl

Change to:

Find: (near the top)
Change to:

Find: (lots more code than this, we basically want to get rid of this junk since we are using a link to the main css)
Delete it!

Do the same thing with the last part in simple_header.tpl, too.

Should be all.


- Joost - 21-01-2007

Everyone loves Cruzn.

- William - 21-01-2007

I for sure do, works great Smile The metalBB is now the default, should make ms unique compared to the other sources and such.

- grimsk8ter11 - 21-01-2007

teh orgasm

- William - 21-01-2007

grimsk8ter11 Wrote:teh orgasm

- Xlithan - 21-01-2007


- William - 21-01-2007

That is a very good site Smile I will add things from it, please feel free to come with suggestions that can be added.

- Xlithan - 21-01-2007

Make sure you back up the database and stuff first because once you stuff something up it's not easy to go back to it Smile

Host a test forum first

- William - 21-01-2007

Of course.

- Misunderstood - 21-01-2007

metal would be nice if it didn't restrict the width of the page...but it does :\ I'm using the other skin, saphir.

- Robin - 21-01-2007

I'm using the old one. It doesn't mess up when the page stretches (much) and is very wide!

- Rian - 21-01-2007

Misunderstood Wrote:metal would be nice if it didn't restrict the width of the page...but it does :\ I'm using the other skin, saphir.

Yes, I tihnk I would even change to the metal theme if it wasn't so slim.

Fix it william =P