Mirage Engine
idea's for mse build 2 - Printable Version

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Re: idea's for mse build 2 - Robin - 26-12-2006

lordgivemick Wrote:what kite said

Must have:

1. Real server loop.

2. Basic, but much needed, packet optimisations.

3. Much more user-friendly GUI (still with picture boxes maybe, but not with everything like it was *burgh* Took me days to work frmMirage out itself)

I think we should all stay focused here though, this is a basic engine we are creating.

We should not:

1. Work on any of the items, npcs, maps etc.

2. Add tons of features which people might not like (we need to keep it open to everyone)

3. Make the engine specific to one game genre (even though most people create western medieval, we need to keep the engine open)

4. Add pointless things like multi-server, IOCP, combat enhancements, pixel by pixel movement, etc. etc.

green = truly agreed
red= mum don't think so.
yellow = huh...OK????

well OK that's what he said. by the way i took the AI stuff out.
OK here i what i would like in the game that most of the people here probably couldn't do.

1. allow admin to create separate password for admin panel(use password once only every login)

2. I heard this from someone i don't know who but performance loops sub????

3. advanced npc kites tut. Very useful indeed if only i could get it to work.

4.visual inventory, equipped items, banks, shops. the majority likes visual stuff easier to find everything.

5.BANK:have all items in bank count as currency

6. advanced quest would be nice since know one else can get them to work. i bet you could William. ill also try to make a tut for that using Elysiums tut.

7.npc advanced speech like when you go up to talk it brings a chat thingy up with 3 options and when you chose them they activate certain sentences or whatever the you want the npc to say for that. i tried it convert Elysiums over to mine didn't work to well. still working it out.

8.options menu with turn on/off stuff for names, chat over head, emotions, hp, Sp, mp bars, tele support.

9. emotions. the kind that show over your head.

10. combat enhancements make the game more interesting surprise us. or you can give the ability to switch from the old system or the new system in options. would be interesting.

11. map editor outside of frmmirage so its a separate sub.

12.make it so you have a detail low or high button. for slow or fast computer's detail turns certain things off to make the game run faster for them.

ththththhthats all folks.

That bolded text should help you understand what I was saying a bit better.

- GodSentDeath - 26-12-2006

If we're making it a performance upgrade, don't added dumb things like:
--Visual Inventory
That's just upgrading it for the lazier people that don't want to learn shit all =) Basically, Elysium.

But, if we are making a complete upgrade and adding all features possible, stay away from bugging the source, MAKE SURE EACH FEATURE WORKS 100% BEFORE MOVING ON!! A lot of engines have problems with that part Wink

Keep in mind, Mirage Source is a place for people to learn, Elysium is not. We aren't Elysium are we? I say we just keep the performance and security up, and the features down.

I'm not bad mouthing Elysium btw =P It's just an example Wink

A good feature not mentioned which I could help with::
--New graphics engine

I have an amazing engine which I have working at 100% and that uses different graphics files, png, jpg, gif, etc =) It has great FPS, which helps with the performance part =P

- Obsidian - 27-12-2006

Heh, i'm also looking at revising my tileset system dave. I'm sure our methods are quite different, but it's definately something that needs to be done.

As far as a new graphics system goes, do you mean the way that game is actually doing the drawings (loops and stuff)? or are you talking about using DX8? I was just wondering what specifically you meant by that GSD

- Tony - 28-12-2006

one Wrote:my suggestions for mse2:
-getting rid of automatic calculated exp of npcs
-more layers for mapping
-grapical equipment, inventory, spells

these are things that every mmo needs

Nah, there are tuts for it. Whats needed to be removed is player loosing experience which is simple. Revising everything is best. I'd say.

:: Pando

- Matt - 28-12-2006

Leave the npcs alone. If you alter the algo, then you could get it to calculate accordingly. Which would make npcs more correct, or balanced, if you will.

- Dragoons Master - 28-12-2006

i think that maybe, MAYBE removing the speed atribute would be a good idea. Does anybody likes it??? Every one that playes my game HATES it and I'm going to remove it from my source soon.

- Tony - 28-12-2006

Whats its purpose anyways?

:: Pando

- Robin - 28-12-2006

Don't you get something when you get 30 speed or something..?

- Robin - 28-12-2006

That's about as stupid as having speed for helmets *rolls eyes*

Maybe, just maybe, we should remove the current attributes, and release the source with a tutorial for adding them in?

Because I spent ages removing them when I got the source...

Or one source with and one without.

- Matt - 28-12-2006

If you use the default system for stat points, every ten speed, will give you one extra stat point per level. So if you have 10 speed or less, you get 1 point, 20 or less, you get 2, etc, etc.

- Misunderstood - 28-12-2006

Kite Wrote:That's about as stupid as having speed for helmets *rolls eyes*

Maybe, just maybe, we should remove the current attributes, and release the source with a tutorial for adding them in?

Because I spent ages removing them when I got the source...

Or one source with and one without.

We don't need any more versions :roll:

- Forte - 31-12-2006

My post prob dosnt mean anything butttt i say; Make it a blank MS but just add bugfixes and etc. It shouldnt have features cause that just kills it all and turns it into an engine.

- TheRealDamien - 01-01-2007

You guys need to stop with the "add in the upper features" shit... if there is anything to add/edit it should be speed upgrades and nothing else. I spend a whole year on just rewriting my packet system and massive upgrades to security and other speed upgrades and tweaks. Then and only then did I ever begin to add in any feature crap.

- Matt - 01-01-2007

Dude, who said to add features? I see everyone saying NOT to add features in.

- Joost - 01-01-2007

Advocate Wrote:Dude, who said to add features? I see everyone saying NOT to add features in.
He wants to look really smart by pretending he came up with that himself. Just ignore it, eventually you'll get used to it.

- Matt - 01-01-2007

I have him blocked on MSN, have for awhile now. I'm pretty sure he's the one that messaged me and asked me why I was using MS, saying it was pure crap, that there was no way you could make it hold more than 10 players, etc, etc.

Anyways, I'm going to stop now, before the thread gets too off topic.

- Rian - 01-01-2007

TheRealDamien Wrote:I spend a whole year on just rewriting my packet system and massive upgrades to security and other speed upgrades and tweaks.

Yet, spell animations is too hard for you to tackle?

- TheRealDamien - 02-01-2007

Incase you didnt read on another topic I got that done its just once I added it in the source messed up but now ive fixed the problem.

As for the Advocate I did say that and the reason I said that is because it would be better to to complete scrap mirage source and start over... I mean pratically everything needs to be rewrote...

Anyway thats my personal opinion on the matter.

- Tony - 02-01-2007

Damien your naturally to be hated. :] Even on MS you make some crappy ass bull shit stuff saying your so smart. Be real, stop being a jackass.

P.S. I bet my 5 week knowledge could pwn your bs lies.


- Liz - 02-01-2007

TheRealDamien Wrote:Incase you didnt read on another topic I got that done its just once I added it in the source messed up but now ive fixed the problem.

As for the Advocate I did say that and the reason I said that is because it would be better to to complete scrap mirage source and start over... I mean pratically everything needs to be rewrote...

Anyway thats my personal opinion on the matter.

Darned source code, just going and messing up, all on its own.

- TheRealDamien - 02-01-2007

Well... for a few pointers..

1. mirage source users up 100% CPU (this requires 40 to 60% of the graphic system to be rewrote.

2. mirage source needs almost 80% of the walking/running system rewrote because of the lag/flaw problems.

3. mirage source would require around 80% rewrite of everything just to get a stable product.

Those are facts... that I hope william will fix/sort.

So pando you were saying?

- GodSentDeath - 02-01-2007

1: Your CPU must suck -_- I NEVER get that high of numbers. Ever.
2: Lag? what? I know of a couple little flaws that don't matter too much at all.
3: The product is stable. Name all of the "80%" of things that needs to be rewritten.

- Tony - 02-01-2007

TheRealDamien Wrote:Well... for a few pointers..

1. mirage source users up 100% CPU (this requires 40 to 60% of the graphic system to be rewrote.

2. mirage source needs almost 80% of the walking/running system rewrote because of the lag/flaw problems.

3. mirage source would require around 80% rewrite of everything just to get a stable product.

Those are facts... that I hope william will fix/sort.

So pando you were saying?

I hope you read what I said before I edited, Damien.

[Image: FuckYouDamien.png]
d i e.
:: Pando

- GodSentDeath - 02-01-2007

Ok Pando that's just too far -_- No more flaming past this post... any flame post will be removed =)

- Tony - 02-01-2007

Ah okay. I removed it. Even though I hate his guts.

:: Pando