Portal Warp - Tutorial Bot - 01-06-2006
Author: map210690
Modifications: PresiseFA
Difficulty: 1/5
What this does: You type /setportal, and it records your location. Afterwards, you can warp to that location by typing /portal.
Find:Code: Sub HandleKeyPresses
Somewhere in there, add:Code: ' Portal code
If LCase(Mid(MyText, 1, 10)) = "/setportal" Then
Call SendData("setportal" & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
MyText = ""
Exit Sub
End If
If LCase(Mid(MyText, 1, 7)) = "/portal" Then
Call SendData("portal" & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
MyText = ""
Exit Sub
End If
Find:At the top of the sub, add:Then, somewhere in the sub, add:Code: ' Portals Code
For CNum = 1 To MAX_CHARS
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "setportal" Then
If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > "0" Then
Call PutVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "portal", 1)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You have created a portal opening at this spot! You may now return to this spot at any time by typing /portal", 6)
Call PutVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "pmap", GetPlayerMap(Index))
Call PutVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "px", GetPlayerX(Index))
Call PutVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "py", GetPlayerY(Index))
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have that ability.", 4)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "portal" Then
If GetVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "portal") = 1 Then
Call SetPlayerMap(Index, GetVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "pmap"))
Call SetPlayerY(Index, GetVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "py"))
Call SetPlayerX(Index, GetVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "px"))
Call SendPlayerData(Index)
ElseIf GetVar(App.Path & "\accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "char" & CNum, "portal") = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have a portal set.", 4)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Next CNum