Mirage Engine
Give Item Directly To Player - Printable Version

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Give Item Directly To Player (Split) - Tutorial Bot - 01-06-2006

Author: Dark Dragon
Difficulty: 1/5

In modGameDatabase, under Sub AttackNPC, find:
' Drop the goods if they get it
        n = Int(Rnd * Npc(NpcNum).DropChance) + 1
        If n = 1 Then
              Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).y)
        End If
Replace with:
' Drop the goods if they get it
        n = Int(Rnd * Npc(NpcNum).DropChance) + 1
        If n = 1 Then
              'Call SpawnItem(Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue, MapNum, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(MapNum, MapNpcNum).y)
              Call GiveItem(Attacker, Npc(NpcNum).DropItem, Npc(NpcNum).DropItemValue)
        End If
That's all!

- Robin - 03-07-2006

If you add this, just make sure that if your inventory is full, it drops the item instead. Or many a rare item will be lost =o