Mirage Engine
[Add-On] Admin Panel - Printable Version

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+------ Thread: [Add-On] Admin Panel (/showthread.php?tid=2949)

[Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 22-07-2009

Download This File And Extract it to


Then Add It To Your Source

Go To FrmMirage
and Under
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Case vbKeyF12
            If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) > 1 Then
                frmAdmin.Visible = True
            End If

Your Admin Menu Will Now Open Under F12

This is what the Admin Menu Looks Like
[Image: Untitled-41.png]
[Image: Untitled-4-12.png]

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - genusis - 22-07-2009

looks good just don't forget to make sure to check if they are 2 access or higher to access the panel.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 22-07-2009

lol whoops
not sure but i think what i did will work

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Nean - 22-07-2009

Heh, nice.

Just to screw around, I programmed an Admin Panel that uses only input boxes. ;D

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 22-07-2009

Nean Wrote:Heh, nice.

Just to screw around, I programmed an Admin Panel that uses only input boxes. ;D
i would like to see that in a engine lol

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Joost - 24-07-2009

You only check access client-side. It'd mean players would be able to enter the menu, but of course not be able to actually "do" something because the options are protected (I hope). But an admin panel shouldn't be included in a player .exe anyway.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Labmonkey - 24-07-2009

Joost making seperate exes is great when your making a big game and you have lots of admin only stuff and it will save lots of space, but for small mirage games its not a noticeable difference, and is kind of an inconvience to devving if you have to give all mods a separate client..

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 25-07-2009

Joost Wrote:You only check access client-side. It'd mean players would be able to enter the menu, but of course not be able to actually "do" something because the options are protected (I hope). But an admin panel shouldn't be included in a player .exe anyway.
ya it is blocked, it really is just sending a message to the server like the chat box, and if that is blocked then this should be.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Joost - 25-07-2009

Labmonkey Wrote:Joost making seperate exes is great when your making a big game and you have lots of admin only stuff and it will save lots of space, but for small mirage games its not a noticeable difference, and is kind of an inconvience to devving if you have to give all mods a separate client..
Forms are evil. Components are evil. Don't use them when you don't need them. Over half the forms in ES were admin-related stuff, fucking waste of space.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Robin - 26-07-2009

James Wrote:
Joost Wrote:
Labmonkey Wrote:Joost making seperate exes is great when your making a big game and you have lots of admin only stuff and it will save lots of space, but for small mirage games its not a noticeable difference, and is kind of an inconvience to devving if you have to give all mods a separate client..
Forms are evil. Components are evil. Don't use them when you don't need them. Over half the forms in ES were admin-related stuff, fucking waste of space.

QFT. In one of my edits I tried to reduce forms and components by combining editors into one form, and all the main menus. On the Menu form I used control arrays, which I've been told is better than bazillions of individual controls.

Control arrays don't exist. They're a figment of Microsoft's imagination.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Toast - 26-07-2009

Dim C() as Control

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Joost - 27-07-2009

James Wrote:
Joost Wrote:
Labmonkey Wrote:Joost making seperate exes is great when your making a big game and you have lots of admin only stuff and it will save lots of space, but for small mirage games its not a noticeable difference, and is kind of an inconvience to devving if you have to give all mods a separate client..
Forms are evil. Components are evil. Don't use them when you don't need them. Over half the forms in ES were admin-related stuff, fucking waste of space.

QFT. In one of my edits I tried to reduce forms and components by combining editors into one form, and all the main menus. On the Menu form I used control arrays, which I've been told is better than bazillions of individual controls.
Been there, done that. I was the first one to only use one component server-side, removing all timers, with Atty, my pr0 friend.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Robin - 27-07-2009

Joost Wrote:
James Wrote:
Joost Wrote:
Labmonkey Wrote:Joost making seperate exes is great when your making a big game and you have lots of admin only stuff and it will save lots of space, but for small mirage games its not a noticeable difference, and is kind of an inconvience to devving if you have to give all mods a separate client..
Forms are evil. Components are evil. Don't use them when you don't need them. Over half the forms in ES were admin-related stuff, fucking waste of space.

QFT. In one of my edits I tried to reduce forms and components by combining editors into one form, and all the main menus. On the Menu form I used control arrays, which I've been told is better than bazillions of individual controls.
Been there, done that. I was the first one to only use one component server-side, removing all timers, with Atty, my pr0 friend.

Pfft. Forms are for newbs. (y)

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - ShadowMaster - 09-08-2009

You should have the server do the access check and the client open the panel if the server check has passed.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 09-08-2009

ShadowMaster Wrote:You should have the server do the access check and the client open the panel if the server check has passed.
the server already does that.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - grimsk8ter11 - 10-08-2009

lul at Joost being the first to use one component in a server everzzzzz.

I was the first to use no contorls then cause im l337. Use windows to generate a console window, poll said window. Use a timer class instead of timers. It doesn't really matter in VB, it is all slow (death to VB!)

Joost is right saying have a little as possible though, it may save you something (if possible at all). I advise to try to live with 1 or two forms like essense or eyns and such. If you know how to, I would even suggest using DX for all of it. Forms add a good amount of bulk to executable files for some reason.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 10-08-2009

lol programming it in dx should be really hard.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Lithium00 - 19-09-2009

This worked fine on MS4, thanks!

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 19-09-2009

Lithium00 Wrote:This worked fine on MS4, thanks!

No problem, don't forget to rate it.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - anasky - 20-10-2009

I found a bug.
You typed /warp in the warp button, while it should be /warpto.

Re: [Add-On] Admin Panel - Doomy - 20-10-2009

anasky Wrote:I found a bug.
You typed /warp in the warp button, while it should be /warpto.

k thx ill fix it later