Mirage Engine
VERY wierd bug... - Printable Version

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VERY wierd bug... - jsventor - 11-04-2009

All of a sudden, whenever I attack an NPC, I can not kill them and their health bars disappear... I exit, and go back into the game and I still can not kill them, but they follow me >.< I dont get it.

Re: VERY wierd bug... - Labmonkey - 11-04-2009

Track your attacknpc sub. Use breaks in the server.

Re: VERY wierd bug... - jsventor - 11-04-2009

Well it stopped, I did what you aid alreday, but idk it was so random... anyways, I got another question, I wanna vlt something small, a 16x16 Bitmap above the players head, but I cant get it to work...

Sub BltWait(ByVal index As Long)
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
    With rec
        .top = 16
        .Bottom = .top + 16
        .Left = 0
        .Right = .Left + 16
    End With
    X = GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X + Player(index).XOffset
    Y = GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y + Player(index).YOffset - 4

    Call DD_BackBuffer.BltFast(X, Y, DD_WaitSurf, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
End Sub

For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS
                Call BltWait(i)
        Next i

It doesnt show anything, any help?

Re: VERY wierd bug... - Matt - 11-04-2009

Are you loading the surf properly?

Re: VERY wierd bug... - jsventor - 11-04-2009

I think so.. heres what I put in the DX Code..

DDSD_Wait.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS
    Set DD_WaitSurf = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\wait.bmp", DDSD_Wait)
    DD_WaitSurf.SetColorKey DDCKEY_SRCBLT, key


Public DD_WaitSurf As DirectDrawSurface7

Re: VERY wierd bug... - Matt - 11-04-2009

Try this:

With rec
        .top = 0
        .Bottom = .top + 16
        .Left = 0
        .Right = .Left + 16
    End With

Re: VERY wierd bug... - jsventor - 11-04-2009

Still nothing. Its weird, its just a red "Z" with a black BG.. hmm..

Re: VERY wierd bug... - GIAKEN - 11-04-2009

You're using MS4? Do:

LoadSurface("wait", DD_WaitSurf, DDSD_Wait)

I think it's that anyways...but yeah there's already a function for it to do it properly

Re: VERY wierd bug... - jsventor - 11-04-2009

No, Im using 3.0.3 and thats not used in it.. i messed around with it for the past hour and I have gotten nothing lmao

Re: VERY wierd bug... - Jacob - 11-04-2009

Moved to the correct section.

Re: VERY wierd bug... - Matt - 11-04-2009

I would have to look at the source. If you wanna send it, feel free. MSN, GTalk, AIM or PM.

Re: VERY wierd bug... - jsventor - 11-04-2009

Matt Wrote:I would have to look at the source. If you wanna send it, feel free. MSN, GTalk, AIM or PM.

I appreciate the offer, but I tried doing the same thing in MS4, so I'm just gonna convert everything over to MS4 and I won't have a problem with it. I would have used MS4 to begin with but I started this a long time ago >.