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Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - Printable Version

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Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - shadowN - 27-11-2008

(I hope a WIP is okay, or are we suppose to wait till it's complete? if so I'll take it down o.oWink
I saw this section :O..
And I figured, seeing as we still have another 20 days, I could get some time here
and there to work on it Big Grin..
Anyway, just started it this afternoon.

It's going to have them both on the same image.
(santa and rudolf)
I already have the caption, but I'll keep it hidden until I get santa there otherwise
it won't make sense.

Hope it looks alright so far ^^

[Image: christmaspixelty0.png][Image: christmaspixel2tw2.png]

[Image: christmaspixel3zv8.png]

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - William - 27-11-2008

Looks great, and yeah you can show it now to get feedback and such.

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - Matt - 27-11-2008

Is that the Rudolf from the clay animation movie?

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - shadowN - 27-11-2008

Thanks alot ^^.
Okay cool Smile.

possibly Wink..
It was one of my reference points for his style ^_^
Cause he is so darn cute there e_e; xD
Though I haven't seen the movie o.o

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - Rian - 27-11-2008

The style does seem pretty similar. xD

Your version looks cleaner though Big Grin

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - shadowN - 27-11-2008

Thanks ^^..

I've almost got santa in the right pose, just trying to figure out how to do him ^^;
Have an idea though Big Grin

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - William - 27-11-2008

shadowN Wrote:I've almost got santa in the right pose, just trying to "..." do him ^^;
shadowN Wrote:I've almost got santa in the right pose, just trying to "..." do him ^^;
shadowN Wrote:I've almost got santa in the right pose, just trying to "..." do him ^^;
shadowN Wrote:I've almost got santa in the right pose, just trying to "..." do him ^^;
shadowN Wrote:I've almost got santa in the right pose, just trying to "..." do him ^^;

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - shadowN - 27-11-2008

O.O lmao xD..
Okay that came out so bad, xDD..
Thanks for quoting it so much..not, xD
*tries to hide o.o*

I mean as in what style to draw him, how cartoon and what would work best with Rudolf x.X; lol
And trying to get his arm looking right because I'm not to good at drawing hands.

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - William - 27-11-2008

Hehe, I just saw the opportunity and I took it Wink Good luck with it.

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - shadowN - 27-11-2008

haha, you sure did XD..

Thank you ^^

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - Matt - 27-11-2008

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - shadowN - 28-11-2008

You've got me interested in that movie now o.o lol..
I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere :O..

Thanks Big Grin, under 5 hours till I leave and get home to continue working on it ^^..

*reads through entire post multiple times as to make sure William doesn't
have any more ammo*
Gotta be careful now, xD.

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - Matt - 28-11-2008


That's actually the first time I've seen William be mean. XD

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - shadowN - 28-11-2008

Aww, he must have a soft spot for me, xD.
Or maybe he was never given such a good setup as that, xDD

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - William - 28-11-2008

Perfekt Wrote:Lol.

That's actually the first time I've seen William be mean. XD
It's not mean, it was funny ^^

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 [WIP] - shadowN - 28-11-2008

suuuureee it was *pretends I didn't fall off my chair in laughter*

Done ;D

[Image: christmaspixel3zv8.png]

Hope you all get to have a bit of a Christmas giggle with this one ^-^

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - Anthony - 28-11-2008

Shadow wins.

I think Mith is the only other one here that can pixel like that? Sorry if I am wrong!

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - Rory - 28-11-2008

Thats an insult! D:
T.T I think I can do that very well.

Also, Smile I was working on my santa for about 30mins in flash, but it came out like crap, so I'll try again tomorrow. Big Grin

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - Matt - 28-11-2008

It owns. Big Grin

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - shadowN - 28-11-2008

hehe ^____^;
Thanks so much everyone :3 ^^

lol Rory, can't wait to see yours ^^.

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - Tony - 06-12-2008

It's awesome shadown :]

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - shadowN - 06-12-2008

Thanks very much ;]!

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - William - 05-03-2009

Oh and you win Tongue

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - shadowN - 12-03-2009

haha, thank you very much ^_____^
*adds banner to sig* :3...
Was wandering when this competition would get noticed xD;

hehe, I love the banner ^^! Thanks Big Grin

Re: Rudolf and Santa submisison :3 - Dragoons Master - 12-03-2009

I just got a "Congratulations" for mine Cry