Mirage Engine
Vote For the Best Work! - Printable Version

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Vote For the Best Work! - William - 16-10-2008

[Image: Competition.png]

[Image: Sprite1.bmp]

[Image: dancerbt1.png]

[Image: witch.gif]

[Image: pixelcontestkh5.png]

[Image: summer%20art%20update7-1.bmp]

[Image: miku_temp.bmp]

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - William - 16-10-2008

I voted wisefire, your eyes are a master piece Smile

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - Rian - 16-10-2008

Also voted fore Wisefire. I think they're all great though. Well....Maybe not Lea's or Doomteams. :o

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - William - 16-10-2008

wisefire over did his work by adding a frame, background and floor Tongue But I just like the eyes. It's hard making good eyes. But as you say, all are good though.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - GIAKEN - 16-10-2008


doomteam didn't even pixel that broom.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - Forte - 16-10-2008

Voted for Egon

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - GIAKEN - 16-10-2008

Meh I want to change my vote from wisefire to Egon.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - Doomy - 16-10-2008

well there wasnt any rules XP
thats the only thing i didnt do
a broom is too hard

and who voted for me O.o

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - Egon - 16-10-2008

..Hey.. Wait a minute now.. doomteam1 stole the bottom of my girl's dress for his own.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - GIAKEN - 17-10-2008

Egon Wrote:..Hey.. Wait a minute now.. doomteam1 stole the bottom of my girl's dress for his own.

This is true.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - Doomy - 17-10-2008

ahh ohhh
the gig is up

*reads rules
William Wrote:Rules
No rules really, you can make her into a warrior/prostitute/anything really.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - GIAKEN - 17-10-2008

I think plagiarism is one of those default rules for everything.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - Egon - 17-10-2008

doomteam1 Wrote:ahh ohhh
the gig is up

*reads rules
...Yes, lets read the rules shall we?
William Wrote:Rules
No rules really, you can make her into a warrior/prostitute/anything really.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - William - 17-10-2008

I like that there where 7 submissions. When I made the competition I thought maybe 1-2 would actually submit something.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - wisefire - 21-10-2008

William Wrote:wisefire over did his work by adding a frame, background and floor Tongue But I just like the eyes. It's hard making good eyes. But as you say, all are good though.

There wasn't a limit to what we could do.. You never said, "Hey Now, Don't add a Background and Floor!"

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - William - 21-10-2008

I didn't say you broke any rules. Only over did the work ...

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - Nean - 21-10-2008


Re: Vote For the Best Work! - seraphelic - 22-10-2008

wisefire Wrote:
William Wrote:wisefire over did his work by adding a frame, background and floor Tongue But I just like the eyes. It's hard making good eyes. But as you say, all are good though.

There wasn't a limit to what we could do.. You never said, "Hey Now, Don't add a Background and Floor!"

Duh. Go google "pixel contest" and see how many people add backgrounds and floors to sprites. You know why they don't? It makes it stand out from the others. If I made one I'd want the sprite to stand out by itself, without extra stuff.

Re: Vote For the Best Work! - William - 22-10-2008

God. I didn't mean anything bad with it. I added a freakin Tongue after what I said. It was supposed to be funny. Duh seraphelic, maybe mind your own business?

Topic Closed. Winner is Wisefire. Eventually you will get your award.