Mirage Engine
Join the Competition - Printable Version

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Join the Competition - William - 25-09-2008

Who can turn this sprite base into the best looking finished sprite? Well it's up to see.

No rules really, you can make her into a warrior/prostitute/anything really.

There will be a vote in the end. Submit your finished chars in my other topic.

[Image: Sprite.bmp]

Dead Line: 2008-10-15

Winner will get their name color changed, since there will be new groups added, called:
Winner of 1 Competition
If same person wins in another competition, I might add a new group with a new color called:
Winner of 2 Competitions

Re: Join the Competition - Xlithan - 25-09-2008

I have a pretty good idea who's going to win this. Can we just ban him from the comp? lol.

Re: Join the Competition - William - 26-09-2008

I cant quit admin just cause I pawn at pixel ^^

Re: Join the Competition - Matt - 26-09-2008

William Wrote:I cant quit admin just cause I pawn at pixel ^^

Willing to bet he meant Mith.

Re: Join the Competition - Rory - 26-09-2008

I guess so.
Anyway, I'll submit something, got an idea of what to do. Just need the time,
but "Winner of 1 Competition" sounds lame Big Grin
You should make it "Pixel Art Competition Winner"

Re: Join the Competition - DarkX - 30-09-2008

Hey guys I am going to try at this, got bored last night and thought I would enter