Mirage Engine
Game Screen - Printable Version

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Game Screen - Poyzin - 17-07-2008

How would I make v2's game screen resize to the mirage default? I dont want it full screen Tongue.

I'm new XD

Re: Game Screen - Ambientiger - 17-07-2008

Putting the gamescreen back to the size of mirage is pretty simple; change the MAX_MAPX and Y values, delete the maps folder and let the server write some new maps (well maybe not quite that simple but easy enough).

The thing is, I moved most of the forms in mirage over to picboxes and put them on the gamescreen, so reversing the proccess is a much bigger job.
If your new to VB/mirage I would really recommend getting one of the MSE versions and adding some of the tutorials to it, just to get the hang of how it works.

V2 isn't so much a working engine (it needs massive amounts of optimization) more of a record of my learning about code structures and stuff that other people can pull apart for their own use. Until I get some more work done on it that is!

Re: Game Screen - Poyzin - 17-07-2008

Yes thanks! That was very simple! I'm just gonna have to move stuff around and add a GUI + no right click and I'll have my game! yay..thx

and the quest system works yes? I haven't tried it fully yet.

Re: Game Screen - Ambientiger - 18-07-2008

No problem, I'm glad that didn't put you off, best of luck with your game, any more problems just gimme a shout. Smile

The 'Kill' and 'Fetch' type quests work okay, you'll have to add more quest types yourself.