Mirage Engine
How to load GUI through code - Printable Version

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How to load GUI through code - Stomach Pulser - 15-12-2007

OK. This is a very simple tutorial. It will allow you to load a GUI when the form loads, so that you don't have to change it constantly at run time. To change a form's GUI, all you need to do is edit the GUI itself (outside mirage, such as in paint). And the changes will be made.

Difficulty 1/5 (C + P): My Second Tutorial

All Client Side
First off, we need to declare some variables.
Go into ModConstants and find
' Gfx Path and variables

Add this right below
Public Const GFX_GUI = GFX_PATH & "GUI\"

Now, go into modGameLogic and add this to the very bottom
Sub LoadGui(ByVal curForm As Form, ByVal locGUI As String)
    curForm.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & GFX_GUI & locGUI)
End Sub

OK. Now, for every form that you wish to add this GUI loader, call this in your Form_Load.
The final part it to open your GFX folder and add a new folder called "GUI". Inside there, put all of you GUI components.

An example from my frmMainMenu
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Call LoadGui(Me, "menu.bmp")
End Sub

It calls on Load_GUI and says that I am the current form (Me, means the object that the sub is placed in, which is, in this case the frmMainMenu). Then, I placed "menu.bmp" in there because that is what I want to load. You can change it to any name and any picture file type (such as .jpg, .gif, .png).

In Sub LoadGUI, use the Select Case function to load every forms graphics so that you can simply call the function and it will do everything else.

Re: How to load GUI through code - Robin - 15-12-2007

win32 ftw.