Mirage Engine
"Mini" Map Editor - Printable Version

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"Mini" Map Editor - Obsidian - 21-06-2006

I saw this in a non ms game a little while ago and i was a bit entrigued by it. It was a way to make maps but it was zoomed waaaaay out so you could map 4 maps at a time, and you could scroll around and see how the entire game looked, so it made it easier to connect the maps. I'm not really sure how they layed the maps together, or how they made it smaller than usual, but if someone could atleast point me to into that i'll write a tutorial and/or release code so that can be a new thing for MS. I just don't have a clue as to how he blted the maps, but smaller...

- grimsk8ter11 - 21-06-2006

Dim ZoomOption as Integer

         ZoomOption = 50 'i tihnk this is good enough

        ' Get the rect to blit to
        Call DX.GetWindowRect(frmMirage.picScreen.hwnd, rec_pos)
        rec_pos.Bottom = rec_pos.Top + ((MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y) - ZoomOption
        rec_pos.Right = rec_pos.Left + ((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X) - ZoomOption

This amkes the actual main game smaller in the pic box, but youll get the idea

- Dark Echo - 22-06-2006

You think you could use the soom function for a minimap? I mean, is there a point to which it becomes useless?

- grimsk8ter11 - 22-06-2006

yes you can use it for a minimap, thats what i did, i find its easier to change the NPC and players with dots and items with a different clor dot, but thats pretty standard anyway

- Dark Echo - 22-06-2006

Ahhh.. Ok, thanks dude.. Big Grin

- Krloz - 30-06-2006

U mean you could make something like


white cross is the player

- Obsidian - 30-06-2006

that's zoomed a bit too far i'm afraid...

i have a mini map, but i want to make like a minimap that does (in escense) the same thing that seemless maps would do, allowing me to easier map an entire world, seeing what lies on a particular map that is connected to my current map.

I'm going to start work on it pretty soon, i just need to finish up some other features first.

- Krloz - 30-06-2006

No , thats a mini map on the client to help ppl if they are lost Tongue or something it just draws the whole map there , also notice the dark spaces? those are unexplored areas

- Tosuxo - 30-06-2006

Krloz Wrote:U mean you could make something like


white cross is the player

*pukes* tibia....

THE game i want to get Mirage Source to take down... URGH....

but yeh, a minimap would be cool, like if it did like, sadly, tibia does and have red sq marks in a minimap for blocked places, white for other people (HAH they don't have that) and green for yourself, or something like that.... it would look pretty cool Smile

- Krloz - 30-06-2006

Tosuxo Wrote:
Krloz Wrote:U mean you could make something like


white cross is the player

*pukes* tibia....

THE game i want to get Mirage Source to take down... URGH....

but yeh, a minimap would be cool, like if it did like, sadly, tibia does and have red sq marks in a minimap for blocked places, white for other people (HAH they don't have that) and green for yourself, or something like that.... it would look pretty cool Smile

Yep its tibia but a minimap always help to come back to city isnt it? =P

Its white for yourself , green for npcs and red for blocked areas they cant just put for other players since it will lag alot because they have 800+ players online and client cant have a track of everyone without lagging

- Tosuxo - 30-06-2006

Krloz Wrote:
Tosuxo Wrote:
Krloz Wrote:U mean you could make something like


white cross is the player

*pukes* tibia....

THE game i want to get Mirage Source to take down... URGH....

but yeh, a minimap would be cool, like if it did like, sadly, tibia does and have red sq marks in a minimap for blocked places, white for other people (HAH they don't have that) and green for yourself, or something like that.... it would look pretty cool Smile

Yep its tibia but a minimap always help to come back to city isnt it? =P

Its white for yourself , green for npcs and red for blocked areas they cant just put for other players since it will lag alot because they have 800+ players online and client cant have a track of everyone without lagging

you don't know much about the way tibia's client runs then lol, it only sends it like MS does but with much larger maps. like... thais would be 1 map... if that makes sense...

and that's from an OTServer anyway Tongue

there's no green for NPC... :S... that's for grass on that minimap lol, but it would be good for MSE to have a minimap like you said Smile

- Krloz - 01-07-2006

Oh dont come with that I dont know tibia client >,< I been playing tibia for 6 years and I confused Tibia with ms cuz I quitted tibia long time ago =( but anyways the minimap idea is good also the map editor

- Tosuxo - 01-07-2006

Krloz Wrote:Oh dont come with that I dont know tibia client >,< I been playing tibia for 6 years and I confused Tibia with ms cuz I quitted tibia long time ago =( but anyways the minimap idea is good also the map editor

Tibia is about 10 years old... you say you played for 6 years, and then you've not been for a long time too...

Don't bullshit please. You've probably never used the old tibia client... i was on tibia about 5 years ago now... i can get the account creating date if you really want...

I know how the tibia client works because I studied it... and... made a lil cheat tool that does some things that famous TibiaBot does, and more... stuff which i can't tell you about Tongue

- Robin - 01-07-2006

If he started when it came out, and then quit 6 years later, that means he quit four years ago, when i was 11.

I'd say that was a long time ago.

- Tosuxo - 01-07-2006

Kite Wrote:If he started when it came out, and then quit 6 years later, that means he quit four years ago, when i was 11.

I'd say that was a long time ago.

if he was one of the 1-5 players that played when it first came out... nah.... too low chance.... even in 6.4 or so there were only about 200 people online at a time.... new client sucks, i quit 'cos of it... well... that an the stupid skull and soul system..

- Krloz - 01-07-2006

Kite Wrote:If he started when it came out, and then quit 6 years later, that means he quit four years ago, when i was 11.

I'd say that was a long time ago.

I dont get what u said... but I never said I played tibia since it started

- Robin - 03-07-2006

No, but you said:

Quote:I been playing tibia for 6 years and I confused Tibia with ms cuz I quitted tibia long time ago

Tosuxo said:

Quote:Tibia is about 10 years old... you say you played for 6 years, and then you've not been for a long time too...

Don't bullshit please. You've probably never used the old tibia client... i was on tibia about 5 years ago now... i can get the account creating date if you really want...

I was simply saying that if you were on quite early, near when it came out, you could have not been on Tibia for 'a long time'...

Whatever, I was sticking up for you so stfu!

- Dr. Spoon - 04-07-2006

well back on topic
click here to see something cool
trust me on this one.. lol

that is done using the code provided in the second post with a few additions..

- Misunderstood - 04-07-2006

I see no point in a minimap that shows what you are already seeing :\

now if it showed the area around you...that would be cool Smile.

- William - 04-07-2006

Actually, you could map with that. If you use that method showed on the screenshot. And make like 4 picscreens Tongue And make the maps load from numbers you choose. Like 4 input boxes were you choose what mapnumber to load. And some editing to the map editor Tongue

- Matt - 04-07-2006

Wouldn't it be smarter to use 9 instead of 4? That way, you can map the surrounding maps as well.

- Obsidian - 04-07-2006

yea, i was going for 9 at a time, and possibly a zoom to go further out... that way you could see what maps were connected, making mapping easier...

- William - 04-07-2006

You are going to a very advanced thing Tongue

- Matt - 04-07-2006

It's actually not that advanced, seems like it would be fairly easy. Just a matter of planning the logics.

- Obsidian - 04-07-2006

If i do decide to do it, after i get it working i'm going to release the code here... so anyone who wants can add it for their games/engines.

It's a feature i think that no game/engine should be without, because it would help players map out the entire game so much easier.